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123Sonography Echo BachelorClass 2019

تعداد DVD فیلم

زبان محصول

سری محصولات

تعداد کلیپ فیلم

مدت زمان فیلم

قیمت محصول

قیمت اصلی 650,000 تومان بود.قیمت فعلی 590,000 تومان است.

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توضیحات محصول

The Echo BachelorClass provides an invaluable foundation for the practice of echocardiography. With over 80 high-quality video lectures, teaching you both basic and intermediate echocardiography skills, the Echo BachelorClass will ensure you gain the knowledge to make quick and important clinical decisions on your patients


Starter Kit: Left Ventricular Function

Starter Kit: Aortic Stenosis

Starter Kit: Mitral Regurgitation

Introduction to Imaging

Imaging – Parasternal Views

Imaging – Apical Views

Imaging – Subcostal Views

Echo in Critical Care Conditions

Left Ventricular Dysfunction

Acute Myocardial Infarction

Complications of Myocardial Infarction

Hypertrophy & Myocardial Disease

Fluid Management

Right Heart & Pulmonary Hypertension

Aortic Stenosis

Mitral Stenosis

Mitral Regurgitation

Aortic Regurgitation

TEE: Transesophageal Echocardiography

Heart & Infection

Pericardial Effusion

Aortic Disease

Prosthetic Valves

Echo & Cardiovascular Surgery