20th Advanced Neuroradiology Course 2021
20th Advanced Neuroradiology Course 2021
زبان محصول | |
مدت زمان فیلم | |
تعداد DVD فیلم |
قیمت محصول
550,000 تومان
شاید شما این را نیز دوست داشته باشید…
توضیحات محصول
This course aims to refresh and update on advances in the practice of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology from a multidisciplinary approach. Comprising lectures and discussions on diagnostic neuroradiology, head neck radiology and interventional neuroradiology – this course will be relevant to doctors and healthcare professionals in Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Head & Neck surgery, Oncology, and other Neuroscience disciplines.
Program :
Head & Neck
Anatomy & Imaging
Brain in Flames
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Principles, Surgical & MRI Anatomy
Imaging & Clinical in Autoimmune Encephalitis; Infections
Imaging in Demyelination & Epilepsy
Spinal Cord Lesions & Advances
Stroke Prevention
Release Date : 7-8th October 2021