Imaging Mastery Series: Diagnostic Breast Imaging
Imaging Mastery Series: Diagnostic Breast Imaging
تعداد DVD فیلم | |
زبان محصول | |
مدت زمان فیلم |
قیمت محصول
400,000 تومان
شاید شما این را نیز دوست داشته باشید…
توضیحات محصول
🔹 Abnormal Lymph Nodes on Mammo, US _ MR
🔹 Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Breast Masses on _Mammography
🔹 Asymmetries – On Mammography
🔹 Distribution of Calcification
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – Mammography
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – MR – Focus of Enhancement
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – MR – Non-Mass Enhancement _ Kenetics
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – US – Categories of Cystic Lesions _ Suspicious Descriptors of Masses
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – US – Echo Pattern _ Posterior Features
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – US – Mass – Margin
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – US – Mass – Shape _ Orientation
🔹 Identify and Appropriately Manage Imaging Findings – US – Mass – Shape _ Orientation
🔹 Intro and Calcification Morphology
🔹 Margins of Masses
🔹 Masses – Density
🔹 Suspicious Calcification Morphology