Most Commonly Imaged MSK Cases: Cincinnati Live Review

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450,000 تومان

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توضیحات محصول

In this course we cover a survey of the most commonly imaged injuries and abnormalities in MSK MRI.
The Most Commonly Imaged MSK Cases: Cincinnati Live Review was recorded over 3 days at Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The course offers more than 90 cases reviewed by Stephen Pomeranz and Mahesh Thapa.
Some of the topics covered in this module include:
◼️ Meniscus Abnormalities
◼️ Shoulder Dislocation
◼️ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
◼️ Posterior Corners of the Knee
◼️ Pediatric MSK
◼️ Sports Hernia Syndrome
◼️ Wrist Instability
◼️ And Many More…